Monthly Archives: April 2014

Calling all Child Study Majors!

Learn how to manage your student’s behaviors in the classroom through the use of specific yoga techniques. This new trend in education has become nationally recognized so be one of the first to stand out as you go for a job interview.

Not only will you help your students self-regulate in a positive and empowering way, but you also will learn techniques to decrease stress levels for yourself as a teacher.

Yoga Education Teaching Toolbox - 2014

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Yoga Pose of the Week | Salamba Sarvangasana

This week, I’m highlighting the yoga asana, or pose, Salamba Sarvangasana, or supported all limb posewhich is more or less the English translation from Sanskrit. More simply referred to as supported shoulder stand, this pose keeps us on the floor and it moves us in the same direction in which we were moving the body with bridge posture. Because the pose is symmetrical, be mindful of keeping your breath in sync with the step by step movement of the posture.

To do supported shoulder stand pose, sit towards the front half or middle of your mat:

  1. Come to lay on your mat with both legs bent and feet flat on the floor, slightly apart and parallel.
  2. Place your arms along side your body, palms facing down and fingers pointing in the same direction as your toes.
  3. Tuck your shoulder blades under your chest by drawing them together and sliding them down your back. This will create space across you chest and help to position your shoulders comfortably.
  4. On an exhale, draw your knees into your chest.
  5. On an inhale, press your hands, arms, and shoulders down as you lift your hips and legs.
  6. On an exhale, bring your hands to your lower back to support your hips, walking the elbows and shoulders underneath you as close together as you can.
  7. On an inhale, extend your legs, pressing the balls of your feet towards the sky.
  8. Breath for 10 full breathes.

To come out of supported shoulder stand, reverse the steps above, moving mindfully and gently.

Be mindful of any impingement along the back, shoulders, or neck during supported shoulder stand. All the weight of the body should be supported by the arms and shoulders. There should be no weight on the neck. A folded blanket can be placed under the shoulders to help provide some cushioning for comfort if needed.

Some of this pose’s more specific benefits are that it strengthens the abdomen and hips. Supported shoulder stand pose also helps to regulate blood pressure and aids in intravenous return. Some of this pose’s contraindications are for those with any neck or shoulder pain as well as high blood pressure.

Highlighting some of bridge pose’s Ayurvedic points to consider (I hope you figured out your dosha!):

  • Vata try using the wall for support and stability if you feel unease.
  • Pitta try to maintain steadiness and ease, attempting to not overextend or overexert yourself.
  • Kapha try to enjoy the perspective from being inverted, noticing if it shakes things up for you.

Also, from the perspective of Ayurveda, if you’re one dosha, but one day you’re feeling like another, try the modification for that dosha. The modification could be beneficial as a way to return you to balance with your own dominant dosha.

If you’re interested in learning or practicing yoga, please feel free to attend one of the yoga classes offered in the John A. Danzi Center, right on the SJC Patchogue campus (free for students, faculty and staff; $5 for alumni and guests).

Categories: Relaxation Space, Yoga & Meditation | 1 Comment

Planet Earth

Suppose I asked
you “when is your birthday?” After
all, it is a day set aside for celebrating your life
here on Earth. I am sure you would answer rather
quickly.  But what if I asked you “what day is Earth Day?”
such a day is set aside celebrating peace,prosperity and
the planet as a whole… celebrating the Earth, which allows for your
birthday to be a thing. It allows for you to be a thing. The Earth – just
a mass of stuff. But a very particular arrangement  of stuff. So particular
and specific in fact, that on this mass of stuff,  moving at cataclysmic
speeds around a giant nuclear-fire-ball hurdling through the chasms
of oblivious space about a dark pit of  massiveness to which light
cannot even escape yet here this arrangeme
nt is where there
is such a thing as water, cells, organisms, plants, animals,
people, our minds… amongst this chaos, upon
this mass of particular stuff that we call
we can exist. We
can say Life is.

So let us celebrate why we have birthdays at all. Tomorrow, April 22nd, is Earth Day. 

Enjoy the Earthy video from Robert Revol:


Categories: Green Room, Spirit | 1 Comment



Jun 8–13, 2014

View amazing waterfalls cascading from the sheer basalt walls of the Columbia River Gorge. Daily hikes will take us through riotous wildflower displays and to views of Mts. Adams, Hood, St. Helens, and more.


  • Discover and explore the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Area
  • Experience dramatic waterfalls at high flow
  • Visit Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Bonneville Dam Visitors Center


  • Transportation from the Portland International Airport
  • Room and meals at Columbia-Willamette YMCA Camp Collins in Gresham, Oregon
  • One dinner will be at a well-known local restaurant


IMG_1899 (1)_0

Categories: Events, Off-Campus | 1 Comment

Health & Wellness Fair Wednesday!!!

The Counseling & Wellness Center will be hosting the annual Health & Wellness Fair this Wednesday, April 16, from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. in the McGann. Attendees will have the opportunity to get FREE massages, acupuncture, reiki, as well as gather great information related to physical, mental and spiritual health.

Yummy healthy foods and drinks will be provided along with tons of raffle prizes. We hope to see you there, so please join us for a day of relaxation and pampering!

Long Island Health Wellness Fair Flier

Categories: Events, On-Campus | 2 Comments

Yoga Pose of the Week | Setu Bandhasana

This week, I’m highlighting the yoga asana, or pose, Setu Bandhasana (or Setubandhasana), or bridge lock posturewhich is more or less the English translation from Sanskrit. More simply referred to as bridge posture, this pose keeps us on the floor and it moves us in the opposite direction in which we were moving the body with head to knee posture. Because the pose is symmetrical, be mindful of keeping your breath in sync with the step by step movement of the posture.

To do bridge pose, sit towards the front half or middle of your mat:

  1. Come to lay on your mat with both legs bent and feet flat on the floor, slightly apart and parallel.
  2. Place your arms along side your body, palms facing down and fingers pointing in the same direction as your toes.
  3. Tuck your shoulder blades under your chest by drawing them together and sliding them down you back. This will create space across you chest and help to position your shoulders comfortably.
  4. On an inhale, press your feet, arms and shoulders into your mat, lifting your body towards the sky.
  5. Breath for 5 full breathes.
  6. On an exhale, slowly lower the body back to the floor.

Be mindful of any impingement along the back of the body during bridge pose. Focus on pressing the chest up and out as this helps in keeping the spine long, as well as the chest and front of the shoulders open. The goal of the posture is to open the front of the body and strengthen the back of the body.

Some of this pose’s more specific benefits are that it lengthens the spine and opens the chest. Bridge pose also helps to strengthen the back, glutes, and legs. It also provides a gentle message to the kidneys. Some of this pose’s contraindications are for those with any knee or low back issues. The use of props can aid and support you as your bridge pose develops.

Highlighting some of bridge pose’s Ayurvedic points to consider (I hope you figured out your dosha!):

  • Vata try to ground down through your feet, arms and shoulders cultivating a sense of stillness.
  • Pitta try to maintain steadiness and ease, attempting to not overextend or overexert yourself.
  • Kapha try to maintain a deep connection with the breath, riding it like a wave, allowing each inhale to lift you and each exhale to lower you back to the mat.

Also, from the perspective of Ayurveda, if you’re one dosha, but one day you’re feeling like another, try the modification for that dosha. The modification could be beneficial as a way to return you to balance with your own dominant dosha.

If you’re interested in learning or practicing yoga, please feel free to attend one of the yoga classes offered in the John A. Danzi Center, right on the SJC Patchogue campus (free for students, faculty and staff; $5 for alumni and guests).

Categories: Relaxation Space, Yoga & Meditation | 2 Comments


Do you fear blank forgotten pages
Those with no words
Only the edges define the emptiness
And collapse into oblivion
Like when the Earth was flat
The stark dead space
Where the only thing seen
Across the reincarnated branches
Heated and cooled
With chemicals and machines
Is the shadow of a hand
Shaking as the pen that hands hold
Doctrines such irrelevant purpose
Without the pen there is no hand
And so goes the shadow and the page
Like a flattened Earth.
Do you fear blank forgotten pages
Those with no words
Or is that you fear those
That are without yours?

On our paths through and to the day-to-day today, reflect on what it means to communicate with others and to express yourself through words. So often we say, “it is the way it is” and, “if it’s not, then it’s not.” Likewise, if the sun is the sun, and the moon is the moon, and we are as we are, then it is as it is no matter what we say about it. However, the difference comes from how we express it — and what a difference that is.

…So how will you express it?

Categories: Reflections | Leave a comment

For Those Days You Need A Little Help



No matter who we are we all have THAT day. The day when we don’t want to get out of bed, go to work, or do anything else for that matter. You just have to remember you have a purpose and this too shall pass. I have put together a list of ways to help you have a better day!get-attachment-18.aspx_-300x300


  • Sing out loud. We all have a favorite song we love to sing. Do it! Let it out with all of your soul
  • Think positive thoughts!
  • Wake up a few minutes earlier and stretch.
  • Get some inspiration from someone you look up to.
  • Take a little longer to get ready. You feel better when you look better.
  • Read a little bit from your favorite book. Either on paper or an ebook.
  • Take a deep breath and count to 10.
  • Buy yourself flowers. You are allowed to get yourself gifts ya know.
  • Drink lots of water!! It will help.
  • Look at all situations with a positive attitude. Tomorrow WILL be better.
  • Take a nice long shower and think about everything you have to be thankful for. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for.
  • Tell someone they are beautiful. You will make them feel good and you will feel good about yourself as well.
  • Laugh at everything! Who cares if people think you are crazy.
  • Cuddle with a loved one. That’s aways a wonderful feeling no matter what.
  • Volunteer your time. No matter what you choose to do, it will always feel great to give back.
  • Call an old friend. Most of the time you can start where you left off. Vent and return the favor of listening.
  • Cook! Rather it be for yourself or for someone else, cooking helps to relieve negative energy.
  • Use your imagination. You don’t have to be a child to pretend. Have fun with it and imagine what you want your day to be like.
  • Write! Start keeping a journal of the day before and what you can do to change today.
  • Get coffee with someone who makes you a better you.
  • Eat super food that will give you more energy
  • Meditate. Take a few minutes in total quietness and reconnect with yourself.
Categories: Reflections | Leave a comment

World Autism Awareness Day

AS-New-Blue_beveled-logoAround the w0rld, people are lighting it up blue to raise awareness regarding Autism.  According to the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), Autism can be classified as a complex disorder of the brain development where social interaction, verbal and non- verbal communication, as well as behaviors can be affected to varying degrees.  Intellectual abilities, motor coordination and physical abilities can also be affected.  To learn more about the characteristics of Autism and Autism Spectrum Diagnosis, please click here.

World Autism Day was started in December 2007 by the United Nations General Assembly to encourage countries and states to raise awareness regarding autism and encourage early diagnosis and intervention.  The goal is to bring to light the high rates of autism around the world and the developmental challenges that come with this diagnosis.  All around the world countries are lighting up buildings in blue, people are wearing blue, pinning blue ribbons to bring autism organizations together to celebrate individuals with autism.  To read more about World Autism Day, please click here.


Categories: Green Room, Mind | Leave a comment

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