Daily Archives: October 10, 2013

Poe Wro(e)te Poetry, I Write Itry

THE advocates of delirium and misdirection tell us that in any given year, since that of which we have had triangulated the heartstrings of perpetuated time, there exists a religious undertone best known for its role in “Get Him to the Greek” and “Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists,” both of the former receiving an overwhelmingly BEAUTIFUL reception of loud banging noises in the room next door; but only if you include the passenger seat-mounted side airbags, and you lay off the sweet chili-lime barbecue-lathered pork shish kebabs, because it is our responsibility to see to which the poor are fed, the children are educated, and THING about liberty is that it is synonymous with representative democracy…

Did you get that?

Reread it again in case you missed something. Don’t worry I’ll wait. I’m all ABOUT waiting. I’d rather not move on until we are together…



Good. Glad to hear it,

I think.

I’d like to establish a character who acts as the muse for the subordinative “that” preceding a demonstrative pronoun proceeded by a oronym:

“His name is Johanson and he is a washed up old man in LOVE.”

Now that that hazbin has been established we can move forward.

In the morning, when the sun begins to rise and your eyes drift open, do you ask yourself, “IS it too late to open my eyes to see the sunrise?”

I’d also like to remind YOU that you ARE an amazing individual and deserve IT.

And when all is said and done I’d like to clear up what I’m trying to say here…

The beautiful thing about love is you are it.

Categories: Green Room, Spirit | Leave a comment

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